Random Wednesday: My Dream Yard

Hello!!  Welcome to the Random Wednesday Blog. Our topic this week is what our dream yard would look like. This is an awesome topic since I’ve been imagining my dream yard forever so to finally talk about and share it is amazing. Oh!!  But first I must post hunkey man for my friend Kris Norris. Here you go, Eh!

Ooookay, so yeah, yards. I know it’s certainly not as exciting as Abs up there, but what can you say. I don’t think any topic is as exciting. So my dream yard would be large and bordered by woods. I would love to have a really cute house out far enough to have privacy, but not too far that I couldn’t go to the Barnes & Noble when I wanted. This one is close, but the porches would have to be bigger and screened in. Sorry I do not like bugs.

Anyway, I would want the back of the house to have another amazing porch, which would back up to woods. The woods would have a creek running through and be close enough to the house so I can hear it. The creek must have a waterfall of some kind because I love the sound of water. It’s so relaxing.

I love this waterfall (right) and obviously it’s not natural, but I’d want mine to look like this anyway. My cousin has a 15 acre farm and she has a creek and waterfall and wow, it’s amazing. You can hear it from her front porch.

Next you gotta have plants and by plants I mean a lot of flowers and trees. Right now, in reality, my yard does have plants. I have 4 boxwoods and 3 miniature spruce in my front yard. My sister and I just planted 3 azalea bushes and flowers also in the front yard. We are currently planning a small garden in the back and then a Japanese garden she wants. I have a very large yard, but it’s crappy. The back is all up hill or down, depending on how you look at it. So the more we plant the less I have to mow.

Wait! We’re talking fantasy so my dream yard has woods and a creek and a waterfall. None of this I have to mow. I also have a lovely garden close to the house. In it will be crepe myrtle, flowering cherry trees and a lot of flowers.  See there are my flowers.

If you don’t know about crepe myrtle check to the left. They smell so damn good. I have wonderful friends that live in Memphis and when I go to visit, these trees are everywhere. They are gorgeous and just make everything smell wonderful.

And that if you don’t know what a flowering cherry looks like, there it is to the right. They smell awesome too and they are really pretty. I planted one for realz a few years ago and it was doing great until we had a killing frost at the end of April. Yep, you guess it. Killed my poor baby tree. Bastard weather!!

So there you have it. My dream yard/house. When I finally purchase it and move in everyone is invited to my house for a cookout!

Now head over and check out the other Blogger Girlz (Bronwyn, Jessica, Kris, JennyLeigh, and Kellie)  to see what kinds of yards they dream of having.

3 thoughts on “Random Wednesday: My Dream Yard

  1. I *love* houses in the woods. 🙂 And I've always wanted to smell crepe myrtle! I feel about lilacs like you do about crepe myrtle, and I can't believe I didn't include them in my dream yard post. But I have them in my actual yard, so that's cool.

    I'll bring the potato salad to the cookout. I have literally the best recipe in the world.


  2. I have 2 lilac bushes in my front yard. They've actually done pretty well. I need to mulch them, but beyond that they're big and healthy. I do actually plan on getting some crepe myrtle, but haven't gotten around to it yet.

    Yum! I love potato salad! Oh and the Blogger Girlz will be invited to stay the night. I'm sure we'll have too much to talk about for just a few hours. 😉


  3. OMG… that house! I love it. The stone work, the design. And the water out front. I love love love water. I agree a creek and a waterfall would be awesome.

    And crepe myrtle! Wondering if it's a warmer tree or if we have them here? I'll have to check it out because they are gorgeous.


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